Horton Mill Community Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 class page.

Miss Lake will be your class teacher and Miss Hussain will be in class every day to support us with our learning.

Our class entrance is on the KS1 playground. You will see Miss Lake or Miss Hussain at the door. If you ever need to speak to us or want to have a chat about your child’s learning, just say hello in the morning! If you need a longer conversation with one of us, just let us know and we can arrange a time.

Important information 

We have a P.E lesson on Wednesday and on a Thursday, so your child will need to come to school in their P.E kit. They need to wear:

  • a white top
  • black shorts or black jogging pants
  • plain trainers
  • a black jumper or jacket
  • If your child wears a scarf, they need to bring a sports scarf in for their active sessions. 


Ways to support your child's learning.

We have access to some fantastic online resources in Year 6. Your child's homework will be set on a learning platform called Learning By Questions. Each week, your child will get a selection of learning for them to complete. I will be able to see what they did well with and what they need more support with. If you would like a paper copy of this learning, let me know and I can provide this each week. We also have access to Arithmagicians which is a fun game supporting your child with their arithmetic skill and speed. Encourage your child to go on this regularly and if they beat their score, they will recieve a certificate. 

Online learning links:

Multiplication and division facts - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Arithmetic - https://www.arithmagicians.com/

Maths and English  - https://www.lbq.org/Login

 Your child will also be given a  reading book and reading record which should come to school each day. Encourage your child to read at home as much as possible.  


Learning challenges across Year 6

Could Spiderman ever exist? (Science)

Why do so many people visit Brazil? (Geography)

Have we always looked like this? (Science)

Why was the Islamic Civilisation around 900AD considered ‘golden’? (History)

What makes your heart race? (Science)

How do we see the world? (Science)


Our first learning challenge is all about how living things are classified and grouped. This is a Science topic and we will be exploring lots of different animals and plants. Here is our key vocabulary and sticky knowledge. 

Links to learn more about our topic





If you have Twitter, I will post pictures across the half term so you can see all of the fun we are having!


Miss Lake