Horton Mill Community Primary School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


This term P.E will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please can children make sure they have everything they need on these days and to come to school wearing the correct PE Kit. Children should wear plain black leggings or joggers, white t-shirt and a plain black sweatshirt or hoody on PE days. Black trainers must be worn during PE sessions.

Children are expected to take their book bags home and bring them back to school the next morning on a daily basis. They need to make sure they read at home on a regular basis to allow further progress. House points are awarded to children for their regular reading at home.  Children must also make sure they are regularly practising their multiplication tables. It is important that children practise their times tables over the next few months as they will be nationally tested at the end of June.

The doors open at 8:45am and close at 8:55am when the register will be taken.  Home time is 3:15pm-if there are any problems please let the office staff know.

Our topic this term is all about Manchester. We know the children will thoroughly enjoy this topic and have lots of fun learning about our local city. Look out for photos on our school page on X (formerly known as Twitter)

We will post regular updates on what the children have been up to and what they are learning on the Horton Mill Twitter page so keep your eyes peeled! You will also receive a newsletter with more details on what your child will be learning across the curriculum this term.


If you have any questions or wish to discuss your child’s learning, please see us or any member of the Year Four team before or after school. We are always happy to share the exciting learning of the children.

Mrs Hartley, Mrs Clavin, Mrs Bibi and Mrs Warrington.